While the interview with Ismael Perez is a success, with a almost “rapid-fire” or “let’s get to the points” tone, it also received minor criticism as it’s suggested that Ismael has no idea has what he’s talking about and that I gave him a platform. The reason I did the interview with Ismael Perez ⬇️ see screenshot below ⬇️ — But aside from that, let’s get this straight above all other philosophies—I’m not about to sit here and have a religious-like dogmatic war with people I don’t even know and never met about who’s knowledge or philosophy or ticket/path is best. Save that for church, and save what triggers you for YouTube and Twitter. I won't be participating in those “anger, stressed, anxious, frustrated, annoyed”-oriented/motivated vibrations of posts or comments beyond this address. I do not accept these gifts. “If you buy a gift for someone and that person does not take it, to whom does the gift belong?”, asked Buddha. In no way am I actually trying to be shady (although I have the ability to play that quite well) in using this quote. Although I am not perfect in the following, and I know no one who is, I do have enough of an understanding that when all is reconciled within you, you are saved by no one else except your own volition. And when you truly are you can honor all journeys of all persons, who even when they show or have little effort, are functioning at their best. Be careful to criticize their best because your criticism just might speak of your best. You’ll know you’ve reached 5D consciousness in any particular arena when the dark and the light [in you], and your issues with the dark and the light, are reconciled. Such comments are often about your own journey and what you are going through, and not really much more. It’s one thing to have an opinion, but another thing to be that type of opinionated. So, why is the reconciliation so important? Because when the reconciliation happens, which is a 5D frequency, lower frequencies do not need to manifest themselves. Basically, in essence and in layman‘s terms, such deep unsettled emotions (revealed in such comments) are the matching vibration that keep that which we call the illuminati, or the dark powers that be in existence. We tend to respond to their “gifts” so often, resulting in excepting them.
For the full interview click this link:
…experiences to assign purpose and meaning to—don’t allow your own created definitions destroy you, though, AND DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF ABOUT THIS. This is the nature of all 3D (and even higher levels — albeit with more balance and peace, BUT STILL DRAMA). Why would you beat yourself over something that’s completely natural? However, granted, this all can feel heavily convoluted to the point where we doubt we’ll ever get passed anything far enough to get to some ascension point. There’s one simple (but not necessarily easy) remedy to that. You just have to learn to calm down and relax (meditation). Keep working on that!
In fact, Teal Swan has been one of my least reposted teachers, but she just might possibly be THE teacher in 2025; the year which calls for this kind of SERIOUSLY deep work which will require possibly new levels of focus and discipline.