Unfortunately, not everyone, of course, but so many can experience this at this time, and for some years now, but at this time we’re reaching a pinnacle of energy as we near maaajor timeline splits. It’s going to put so many people in a hermit contemplative mode as they evaluate themselves. Many will not be available for you, so if this is the case do not sacrifice your time and every for them as they WILL disappoint. You have been warned. This is not a fear slanted post. Even you may be this for many others. My favorite line from the musical “Rent” is: I’m looking for baggage that goes with my own.” We all have baggage. It has to be dealt with. If yours doesn’t go with theirs at this time (if ever) you will NOT get anything out of them—ESPECIALLY at this time with the energies SO intense that in their contemplative hermitness they’re mindset is more that of survival and they’ll need their “suvival space” alone. Leave them be.
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…experiences to assign purpose and meaning to—don’t allow your own created definitions destroy you, though, AND DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF ABOUT THIS. This is the nature of all 3D (and even higher levels — albeit with more balance and peace, BUT STILL DRAMA). Why would you beat yourself over something that’s completely natural? However, granted, this all can feel heavily convoluted to the point where we doubt we’ll ever get passed anything far enough to get to some ascension point. There’s one simple (but not necessarily easy) remedy to that. You just have to learn to calm down and relax (meditation). Keep working on that!