That is the big irony. They are both earthly 3D anchors. Neither of them feel [light]. Until they do they’ll stay [dense].. and delay their ascent. No shame in this though. Don’t feel so sad about feeling “alone”. Feel HAPPY to be on this narrow path. Narrow because not everyone gets to move on out of here at the same time — which is something some ascending people are going to have to accept. Especially as the inability to do so may cost them their own ascent. Which is also ok. Everything and everyone in their own time. And in some cases, realize you may not want to ascend as badly as you might think right now. Some of you know very well that you refuse to leave this dimension without “mom”, “brother”, “husband” and/or whomever else. And just as someone (hopefully your tarot readers, and spiritual teachers or peers) can provide comfort and non-judgement in whatever your choices may be, wouldn’t it be nice if someone (“dad”, “best friends”, “Twin Flame”—you get the idea) could be [honored by you too] with comfort, non-jusgement, and neutrality about their own choices that may be quite different from yours?
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…experiences to assign purpose and meaning to—don’t allow your own created definitions destroy you, though, AND DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF ABOUT THIS. This is the nature of all 3D (and even higher levels — albeit with more balance and peace, BUT STILL DRAMA). Why would you beat yourself over something that’s completely natural? However, granted, this all can feel heavily convoluted to the point where we doubt we’ll ever get passed anything far enough to get to some ascension point. There’s one simple (but not necessarily easy) remedy to that. You just have to learn to calm down and relax (meditation). Keep working on that!