WE in 5D Tarot
Spirituality/Belief • Culture • Preparedness
We dive into the esoteric for use of ancient knowledge to assist us on our personal journeys. Tarot is heavy here, but we peek at astrology, numerology, yoga; and remain cognizant of politics, culture, and mental health.
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Look at that ENERGY 🌞🧬

Don’t forget to live your life during these times of ridding ourselves of a disingenuous scripted fake world. I have to remind myself often. I have a little paradise and I’d say and admit I don’t take as much advantage as I should. I SHOULD DO THIS NEARLY EVERY DAY. This is ultimately more important than any video upload.

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What else you may like…
This is What the Story of the “Raptured” Looks Like (in 2 Min)


Please take none of my biblical verbiage up with any seriousness in reference to the Bible. And at the level we are functioning from that book is going to have close to zero help, we possibly the exception of the occasional metaphor. Don’t let metaphors poorly influence you towards steps backwards, as in the scary times, and has a reaction AND EVEN RESPONSE (worse, because the response is more conscious than a reaction) to fear people will be returning to their Bibles. If you are following the herd it is generally your sign that you’re doing something wrong, and not in alignment with your Sention, and more relevant your integration. Integration is how “God” became the all knowing all powerful entity you rightfully revere.


Starting in May 2024 the majority of my work will be EXCLUSIVELY on Locals, including readings which will be 100% only on Locals. Many posts from other creators will be locked directly from them, and less will be re-uploads from me. Most long form livestreams will be one of the few things to be done through Rumble. Why all this? I’ll share in detail in a future livestream, but I will use this short metaphor (that in some ways may be slightly less metaphor than one might think, despite the following not actually being a physical event): The rapture, in essence, has occurred and you’re either raptured or not. Anyone not has re-entered another cycle of major lessons and “figuring it out”, and the tribulations of today are theirs. This means trying to “save” anyone is now truly the most pointless thing you can do and a waste of time (and depending on how much you’re willing to sacrifice could be your fall from Grace). Building your strong communities both online AND IN REAL ...

Full Moon 🌕 in Capricorn 6/21–22/24 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE)
All 12 Signs Mid-June 2024 Tarot Check-in 🃏🎴🀄️ (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE)
Most are so caught up in fear of death and dying that no one really even lives!

Live your best life! =)

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