WE in 5D Tarot
Spirituality/Belief • Culture • Preparedness
We dive into the esoteric for use of ancient knowledge to assist us on our personal journeys. Tarot is heavy here, but we peek at astrology, numerology, yoga; and remain cognizant of politics, culture, and mental health.
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THIS WAS MY READER — Full Interview with Kerry Henwood (Circa March 2010)
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When Kerry Cassidy Did Great Work!
BOOM! This was almost as good as a "shoutout". | Catalyst Shorts

For the full interview click this link:

There IS NO Purpose. You assign ALL it’s purpose. And if you choose to “exist” (root word: EXIT — meaning “exit source/all-that-is/oneness” so that you can go and “play”) if you choose to exist there must be polarity (drama) in order to have...

…experiences to assign purpose and meaning to—don’t allow your own created definitions destroy you, though, AND DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF ABOUT THIS. This is the nature of all 3D (and even higher levels — albeit with more balance and peace, BUT STILL DRAMA). Why would you beat yourself over something that’s completely natural? However, granted, this all can feel heavily convoluted to the point where we doubt we’ll ever get passed anything far enough to get to some ascension point. There’s one simple (but not necessarily easy) remedy to that. You just have to learn to calm down and relax (meditation). Keep working on that!

They're testing/working on a cyber attack 😒🙄

X was down for 7 hours, and Rumble goes down frequently today. The Illuminati STILL have plenty of physical power because they own plenty of corporations worldwide. In fact, Trump has been working for the U.S. to buy BlackRock, but that's still JUST ONE company, albeit one of the largest of them. Prepare [mentally & spiritually, physically, and/or technologically] just in case. Although Rumble owns Locals, they haven't taken Locals down and as long as it stays that way I'll use Locals to communicate anything important.

UPDATE: Hacking group named Dark Storm Team – Palestinians with {{{NO SURPRISE}}} ties to Russia have taken responsibility for the takedown. This is real guys. They're Major Shadow State Organizers (duh, the CIA). These people are at war with reality.

New Moon 🌙 in Pisces 2/28/25 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE)
All 12 Signs February–March 2025 Tarot Check-in 🃏🎴🀄️ (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE)
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